Join The Team
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last. We do it to get a crown that will last forever." - I Corinthians 9:24,25
Are you are a hard core marathoner? Maybe a half marathoner, triathlete or 5K runner? Or perhaps walking is your thing. No matter what your age or ability level, the Marathon Mission Team is the place for you.
Pick a sanctioned race of your choice anywhere in the world. Drop us a line at . Tell us what's fueling your fire. Your MM Team wants to help fan into flame God's healthy gifts within you. Watch your fitness and faith levels sky rocket as you add meaning to your training and daily routines. For an inspring list of compassionate causes, visit the Charity Partners page. You can choose to run or walk for one of those reasons or introduce a new faith and or community based one to us. You might even be inspired to run or walk for Marathon Mission itself.
There’s nothing like it! 100% of the funds that are raised for your charity go directly to your charity! None of those funds come through Marathon Mission. As a non-profit that's been in the running for over a decade, Marathon Mission also relies completely on the generosity of others. We do the talking and you do the walking.
You are not alone in your fitness and faith journey. Did you know that Marathon Mission has a well qualified on-line trainer, Dan Van Veen? He’s just an email away and will help anyone who is walking or running for one of our MM Charity partners go from good to great!
Looking for some practical tips to being a "Couchless Christian?" Want to take your health from crutch to catapult? Visit to get a move on.
Don’t forget to check out our Marathon Mission photos, videos and Facebook page! What a great way to spread the word.
That's the Marathon Mission story. We keep the flame burning and the legs turning.